Community Bank and Credit Union Consulting

At Prosurian we recognize that Community Banks and Credit Unions face unique regulatory and client/member challenges. We also recognize that your tech stacks are often very similar and that internally you face many of the same challenges. Our focus on operational efficiency, user experience and CyberSecurity uniquely positions us to be your trusted partner in technology.

Advisory Services

Small and medium institutions often don't have the breadth of expertise required to keep pace with the latest technology trends and developments. Prosurian's experts can augment your existing talent or fill gaps in your team to ensure that you have all of your technology bases covered. Whether you need assistance with your technology roadmap, evaluating your tech stack, or improving your policies and procedures we've got you covered.

Mortgage Technology

The Prosurian team has its roots in the mortgage and real estate world, and our experts can help you modernize your mortgage lending. If you need help operationally, we can guide you through a process review and optimization. On the technology front, we can optimize your current LOS, or help you implement a new solution. We can also help you integrate all of your mortgage related systems, including integrating loan data with accounts in your core.

Information Security

Small and Medium institutions often face challenges in implementing CyberSecurity practices and technologies that meet all of their regulatory obligations within their available budget. If you have not formalized a CISO role in your organization, Prosurian's virtual CISO can fill the gap and help you separate the security oversight role from the IT team responsible managing systems. Our security experts can also assess your current posture and help you define an acceptable future state, then we can help select and implement the tools and changes required to get you there.

Mortgage Operations

Our operations experts can help boost your bottom line by optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your mortgage operations. Our services can assist across your organization from process optimization and staffing reviews, to margin analysis and warehouse line efficiency reviews. By conducting detailed business process improvement analyses, we identify areas. Together we can help you reduce your cost per funded loan and improve your revenue retention.

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(949) 785-0520

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